Prayer Requests



Welcome to COGWA

Welcome to the website of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association (COGWA) in Trenton!  We are one of many congregations in the United States and many other countries that share common beliefs, practices, doctrines, and mission.  Together, we comprise the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc. with a central administrative and oversight office in the Dallas, TX metroplex.  We observe the holy Sabbath day of God from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, as well as the annual Festivals and Holy Days of God, as did Jesus, the apostles, and the first century Church of God.  We do this in obedience to the infallible Word of God (the Bible), and endeavor to live by every word of God, and to worship God the Father and Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth.  We proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God, and anxiously await its establishment, on the earth, by Jesus Christ, the King of kings.  We are fallible human beings, but we strive to serve our infallible and all powerful God, and depend upon His mercy and grace to do so.  You may use this website to find out more about our beliefs and practices, and also to link to our central website --

Following the example of Jesus and the New Testament Church, our congregation worships on Saturday and observes the annual Holy Days which are recorded in Leviticus 23. It is by observing these days that we more fully appreciate God’s plan of salvation for mankind and we prepare ourselves for service in the soon-coming Kingdom of God. If you would like to know more about us, I invite you to review our Fundamental Beliefs.

Paul Luecke, pastor